Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Cover Me!

This is just real quick post before I run off to the gym to highlight some great cover designers out there. I recently ran across Dan Dos Santos because of his work on Patricia Briggs’ book, Moon Called, and lo! his site has a tutorial of cover design goodness (but it might take a bit to load). Just as I was wondering how the hell I would work this into a post, the Canadian author Ami McCay comment on the William Trevor cover and mentioned that she’d interviewed her cover designer, and I thought to myself, “Self, I’m sensing a theme.”

Then I thought, “Oh crap, talking to myself is a sure sign I’ve been living alone for too long,” and took out an ad for a roommate.

But the theme, it was there and since I have exactly two minutes before I need to make for the gym I thought I would share these finds along with one of my favorite cover designers of all time: Marc Yankus.

So yes. Enjoy. May these bring you many hours of goofing off at work, and I’ll try to post something at least semi-profound about book retail when I get back.

1 comment:

Lynn said...

Hi there bookseller
do you fancy reading my autobiography, Cut the Strings and placing a review on it www.leanmarketingpress.com/frogs
email me Grocott3@aol.com if you fancy a chat
Lynn Grocott