Tuesday, May 22, 2007

My own version of the Birds

I walked into my kitchen this morning, glanced out the window, and saw pigeons everywhere. There were pigeons on my windowsill and the neighbor’s. There were pigeons on my balcony and the fire escape. There were even pigeons sitting on the edge of the garage. There were pigeons all over the place, their little beady eyes watching as I moved around the kitchen packing my lunch, and I knew that they had come for me.

You see, yesterday I’d committed the ultimate pigeon insult—I’d taken an egg from a nest.

My nest robbing was a preemptive strike as a pigeon couple had finally succeeded in building a viable nest on my kitchen windowsill. Before the birds had always contented themselves with turning my balcony into a pigeon birthing community (making it impossible for me to use it as well as stinking up my office with the odor of pigeon droppings), but my sill with its downward slope had remained safe. This safety allowed me a window I could open in the summer, a way to create a cross breeze in my apartment.

Not anymore. Not with a permanent pigeon occupant—and the bird would be permanent occupant. If I’ve learned anything about pigeons and pigeon reproduction in the last few years of the balcony occupation, it is that pigeons breed year around.

Oh yeah, and they are not above using the young from one next to incubate the eggs of the next.

Baby machines, I tell you.

I’d had enough. It was time to make a pre-emptive strike. It was time to make sure that no baby pigeons started their lives on my windowsill. So I popped open the window, shoed away mama pigeon, and stole her egg (which went immediately into the trash). Sure I felt bad; I’m not someone that harms another animal very easily, but it had to be done. It was my stand against those feathered invaders.

And that stand was why there was a hit squad of said invaders waiting for me to leave for the garage at 6 am in the morning.

I made it through safely. No scratches or pecking or pigeon poop bombs. So maybe it was just a show of numbers, an empty threat.

Or maybe they were trying to lull me into a sense of complicity. Being all, “Look, silly girl, we’re just hanging. Just hanging out doing nothing and ignoring you. You won’t come to any harm today…but tomorrow? When our numbers double or triple? When you’re not paying attention? Oh yes, then…” [cue evil bird chirp/cackle]

Of course, there is one more option, one that cannot be ignored. You know, the one where I admit that I have an overactive imagination when I’m sleepy and am prone to hyperbole. That could totally be what’s going on here.

But if Hitchcock has taught me nothing else, it is that just as you write it all off as coincidence they will choose that moment to attack.

Know any books where nature has gotten its revenge in this manner?

P.S. I’m totally blaming the birds on why I didn’t post yesterday despite the fact I had the legitimate excuse of actually having to do some work at work. This morning that is obviously not the case as today’s post was brought to you by the fact that I’m only getting calls from people who aren’t eligible to bet with us.


Miri said...

I can't think of too many pigeon-related books...that scene in The Amulet of Samarkand where the main character pretty much beats up a pigeon is the closest I can find.

Your post did remind me of this, however.

Oh, and I'm just curious: when will the drawing for Aftermath, Inc. and A Piece of Normal be held? Are you waiting for more entries?

Marta said...

Hmm, nature getting revenge?

what about Scott Smith's THE RUINS, about a big people-eating vine?

Also, Stephen King's CUJO and PET SEMETARY (you think his editors would have caught that typo).

MIDNIGHT BRUNCH -- come for a drink, stay for a bite!

Unknown said...

An animal/nature revenge that isn't already stated? No, but I DO know of an incredible book in which nature takes the ultimate revenge. Mother Nature that is.

It's called 2055: Fact or Science Fiction by Alice C. Bateman. The book is based entirely on the premise that Mother Nature is tired of the damage being done to her planet and decides to react. The polar ice caps melt almost instantaneously, causing DAY AFTER TOMORROW type floods (a movie which, incidentally, came out after the book was written).

The book is absolutely wonderful and really makes you think. Check it out if you want something compelling. Although the actual act of revenge is a short part of the book, the effects carry the story.

By the way, I just found your blog yesterday and I absolutely love it. Can I still enter for Aftermath Inc.? It sounds fabulous! And the interview with Sandi Shelton was wonderful! Going to finish catching up and move on to your links.

Anonymous said...

Pigeons are evil. It's just that simple.

Me said...

came across your post when googling on pigeon reproduction :) your entry is very funny :)